Life Stage Fund Program
The Life Stage Fund program is a professionally designed and managed investment program with five diversified Life Stage Funds. These funds are designed to meet the needs of the five distinct age groups of participants in NEAP℠ - Under 30s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s Plus. NEAP℠ will enroll your individual account in the Life Stage Fund that matches your age group. As you move closer to your retirement and reach various age "milestones", your individual account automatically will be moved to the Life Stage Fund best suited for your age group.
Generally, during the early years of your career, NEAP℠ will invest your individual account in a Life Stage Fund with a more aggressive portfolio focused on growth. During the later years of your career, NEAP℠ will invest your individual account in a Life Stage Fund with a more conservative portfolio geared toward the preservation of assets.