Disability Benefit
A Disability Benefit is available to an eligible participant who is less than age 65 and who becomes Totally Disabled. If you are eligible to receive a Disability Benefit, your benefit amount is based upon the pension credits you have earned and the appropriate pension rate. However, if you have not earned at least 20 pension credits, your benefit amount will be based on a minimum of 20 pension credits.
Eligible participants who are totally disabled can get a Disability Benefit if they have a disability award from the Social Security Administration showing that they are currently receiving a Social Security Disability Benefit or such other proof as the Trustees may require.
Your entitlement to a Disability Benefit is dependent upon you continuing to be totally disabled. NEBF℠ will periodically request that you submit verification from the Social Security Administration of your continued eligibility for Social Security Disability Benefits or proof that you are still disabled.
The requirements for a NEBF℠ Disability Benefit differ from the National Electrical Annuity Plan (NEAP℠) disability benefit which does not require that a participant be totally disabled.
You will be considered totally disabled if you are unable to perform any work as a result of either physical or mental impairment which is expected to result in death or last for a continuous period of at least twelve months.
Eligibility Requirements
You are eligible to receive a Disability Benefit when you meet the following requirements:
- You are vested when you become totally disabled, and
- You are less than age 65, and
- You are totally disabled, and
- You worked for a covered employer sometime within five years of becoming totally disabled.