National Electrical Benefit Fund

A Death of Your Spouse

One of the most difficult times in one's life is the loss of your spouse.  If you're currently receiving a benefit and your spouse passes away, it is important that NEBF be notified of your spouse's death and a copy of the death certificate is forwarded to the NEBF office as soon as possible. If NEBF is not notified of your spouse's death, any benefit increase that may be owed to you may never be paid.

Once NEBF receives a copy of your spouse's death certificate, NEBF reviews your record to determine the type of benefit you were receiving at the time of your spouse's death.
Lifetime Option
If you are receiving the Lifetime Option, and your spouse dies, your benefit amount will not change. You will continue to receive the same benefit amount until such time as you pass away.
Joint and Survivor Option
If you are receiving the Joint and Survivor Option and your spouse dies, your benefit amount may change depending on the date of your spouse's death.
  • June 30, 1998 or earlier – If your spouse's date of death is June 30, 1998 or earlier, your benefit amount will not change.
  • July 1, 1998 or later – If your spouse's date of death is July 1, 1998 or later, your benefit amount will be adjusted to the Lifetime Option effective the month following your spouse's date of death.