National Electrical Benefit Fund

Receiving an Update on Your Benefits

thinkIt is never too early to think about your future or your retirement.  While you're sitting there looking at the NEBF website, you might be wondering, "Does NEBF have all of my employment history?" or "Where do I stand with my NEBF retirement benefits?"
The easiest and quickest way to receive an estimate of your benefits is through the Online Benefits Portal. To receive this estimate, register as a 'New User' or log in to the Online Benefits Portal and click ‘Benefit Estimate’ in the left-hand navigation tab. Your estimate will be generated for you in a matter of minutes. Alternatively, you can find out the status of your benefits, by downloading a Request for Status Information form, by email to or you can submit a signed, written request that includes your Social Security number to the NEBF office.
Upon receipt of your request, your record will be reviewed.  Once a determination has been made, you will receive a letter from the NEBF informing you if you are vested and how many service credits you have earned toward a benefit.

Please read this letter carefully.  If during our review of your record, the NEBF finds that additional information is needed, you maybe asked for additional information on your employment.  The NEBF began keeping individual work records on its employees in 1965.  It maybe necessary to obtain employment information prior to this time, or the NEBF may need to verify your employment.  If this should be the case, you will be asked to complete and return a Work History form.  On this form you will provide the names of your employers, the Local Union in which you worked, as well as your job classification.  Additionally, you will be asked to sign and return a Social Security Authorization form.  Once returned to the NEBF office, this form will be forwarded to the Social Security Administration in order to obtain your employment history. When the NEBF has received all of the additional information requested, your record will be reviewed again and you will be notified in writing as to the final determination.