National Electrical Annuity Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to participate in the Life Stage Fund Program?
Yes, you must participate in the Life Stage Fund program, but you may choose either the Automatic Option or the Select Option.

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Can I change my mind about the Life Stage Option I chose?
You can change your mind at any time and as many times as you like. If you want to select a different Life Stage Fund, you will need to download a Life Stage Investment Change Form or submit a signed request to NEAP that selects the Life Stage Fund into which you will be enrolled.  The enrollment date will be the first day of the quarter following receipt of your signed request.

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Can I decide how the money in my account should be invested?
No. NEAP Life Stage Funds includes a mix of investment types — stocks, bonds, real estate, and cash — to "diversify" your investments. Each Life Stage fund is prudently diversified in these different investment types. The investment mix of the Life Stage Funds is tailored to serve the needs of each specific age group.

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What happens if NEAP℠ does not have my date of birth?
If NEAP does not have your date of birth on file, you will be enrolled in the 50s Life Stage Fund.  You will remain there until you provide NEAP℠ with your date of birth and choose the Automatic Option or the Select Option.

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